Start your life with Flower Remedy to feel better….
It is a personality based healing system that aims to find the root cause of the problem through the negative emotions and ones outlook to life and therefor it aims to treat the person and not the disease and helps restore balance.
Dr. Bach discovered the 38 Flower essences and each essence corresponded to a particular negative emotion. The flower remedies help us cope with the day to day life situations by overcoming the different negative emotions of various types. Fear, panic, uncertainty, worry, anger, depression, despair, anxiety, anger etc. All these negative emotions leads to different types of stress which sometimes are known and sometimes unknown.
The flower remedies which have long recognized healing qualities incorporate in their preparation the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. Earth where the flowers grow, air which surrounds them, fire from the sun and water from the spring . The flower remedies heal and change a negative state of mind to a positive and happy one, remove fear, anxiety or worry, ease tension and irritability, re assures the doubtful, strengthen the exhausted and develop confidence . As we go through life , we tend to build up layers of untreated imbalances which tend to build up layers of negative emotions. emotions which we are unaware of.
When a client comes for a consultation the Practitioner would identify the negative feeling or emotion present at that time and give the flower remedy which corresponds to the negative emotion. The flower remedy encourages the positive emotions that lie dormant to become strong enough to heal and eradicate the negative feelings which in turn leads to healing on all levels. The action of the remedies is restorative and brings into balance who we are.
Dr Bach spoke of the remedies as being like beautiful music or anything uplifting that gives us inspiration. The movement which takes within is rhythmic. It moves us , it calls out to something that is in us already which we have either forgotten or not known . When we take the remedies, they encourage the positive emotions that were already in us to become strong enough to drive out the negative feelings that puts us out of balance. We dont change but our original me stands out clear from different side of us to respond and gain energy.
The Bach Flower Remedies have been extensively used for over 90 years throughout the world . They are extremely safe to use for all ages, pregnant women, babies, plants and animals. They do not contain any preservatives or chemicals. They do not interfere in any other process of medication. They can be started or discontinued anytime.