Showing 8 Result(s)

Daily troubles – FE – 01

⚘🌷⚘🌷🌷⚘🌷⚘🌷⚘🌷 Floralenergy4u can help you in all issues listed below.. they are gentle and are very effective without any #side effects ⚘🌷⚘🌷⚘🌷⚘🌷⚘🌷⚘ -Cant say “NO” -Trouble #sleeping -Feeling #overwhelmed -low #selfesteem -#Problems with #memory -Problems concentrating -Change in #eating habits? Cant #loose #gain #weight? #Emotional eating -Feeling #nervous or #anxious -Feeling #angry, #irritable or easily …

Mental Health

What is Mental health? A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. Emotional wellbeing – Prasanna Our emotions are enrooted in every aspect where they are wired to every process of thinking, feeling, and expressing. When all are balanced it is called wellbeing. When there is imbalance it’s a disorder. To deal …

Anxiety part 2 – Worry:

Worry is to think about the problem happened or will happen that makes the person feel unpleasant, uncomfortable or unhappy.In severe anxiety cases even a thought sends a chill in spine. Cramps in stomach, sweating, extreme nervousness, tremble feel, week all contribute to anxiety. Also even if someone might describe a situation or happenings which …

Anxiety – Part 1

🌸🌸Floral energy 4u is dealing in variety of emotions and cases to it🌸🌸 (There is one more article of anxiety before. If not read please have read over it. ) Lets see why the person can’t cope up with it.-Anxiety is a prison the person lives in created by himself due to many happenings which …

Flower Remedy and you!!!

how flower remedy works on you.. want to know more click here What flower remedies do ? This is a short description What happens when a client comes or gets consultation from the Practitioner ? How do you feel? What emotions are you dealing with? My job is to identify the negative  feeling and underlying …

Floral Energy Benefits!!!!

Helping you to Refresh, re frame, revitalize !! You will regain your self, lost in chaos of thoughts and worries. You will be thankful to finding your new “You” Floralenergy4U does deeper consultations for more inclination and getting desired results for all those who need emotional help.